Sunday, August 22, 2010

Welcome to Instituto De Las Americas Bilingue Plantel Vallarta!

Welcome to our new school.
This is the gym where Rochelle and I will be running the physical education program.

This is Rochelle's class. She has 20 grade 4 students. Her class has a computer and a projector.
We both share our classes with the same Spanish teacher, Luis. He does not speak much English so our communication has been limited but we are managing quite well.

Say hello to the "Barn"
As you can see I have a very small group of 9 grade fives.
I am very much looking forward to the possibilities and opportunities that having a small group can bring. 

Home Adventures

The good news is that 3 weeks in we have everything under control so no more pool parties.

Our Home

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grand Canyon

I can’t tell you how much I loved The Grand Canyon!  It’s a site that made my stomach twist and my feet tingle.  I have never felt so engulfed by my surroundings.  It was overwhelming!  No way my eyes could keep up with the details they were taking in.   

Then to top it off, Harley, gets to come too!  What?  Are you kidding me?  I mean, Mat and I were just having the conversation earlier in the day, about the adventures this dog has had.  I think our quote was, “What a lucky dog she is.  She has been more places and done more things than some people have”.    And then, there we are at the Grand Canyon, with our “Service Dog”.  ( Otherwise she would have had to be left in at the Grand Canyon Reserve Kennel- So you can all imagine how my master plan formulated from there). 
I mean, I am looking over the Grand Canyon, my toes are tingling like I have just submerged them in ice cold water, my biscuits are starting to make their way up, and Harley is peering over the edge like, “ If you throw a ball down there, I can get it."  Unreal!!  I would say with confidence that Harley is one in a million dogs that have ever had that opportunity.
Oh and she rode the bus like an old vet.  Hopped on, walked right to the back, jumped up on the seat and looked out the window.
Ok, so maybe she wasn't always on "duty".  At the end of her working day, she got a little tired and needed a much deserved rest.