Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Welcome to the Jungle

Vallarta Adventures' Canopy Tour will have you swinging from trees, Tarzan style, repelling and off course zip lining.  What a great way to spend the weekend.

Once a year, right before high season, Vallarta Adventures provides a free canopy tour as a final 'test' for all of the new tour workers.  These workers have been training for months and this is their final preparation before they are allowed to give tours on their own for high season.  This free tour always fills up fast with other Vallarta Adventure employees and their family and friends.  Thanks to Andres and Michelle, we fall into this category.  I'm happy to report that the tour was a huge success and that we had an amazing time. Definitely recommend to anyone.  Thanks again for including us Michelle and Andres.       

Monday, November 8, 2010

Guadalajara Road Trip for Three

Mid-October, three little Mexican's hit the road for Guadalajara.  We took a scenic drive through the mountains where one could be surprised by parts of the roads missing around any given turn.  But no worries, a few rocks would be set out as a nice little warning not drive over the edge.  Needless to say, I was white knuckled the rest of the way there.  The upside was the breathtaking views and climate changes throughout the elevation gains and drops.  At one point it was +32 and sun shining and within a matter of minutes it dropped to 22 degrees and we where in the clouds.

Our eager navigator kept an eye on the road the whole 4.5 hour trip there.  Eyes like a hawk!

This view and the one below are literally minutes apart.  It was a very steep and fast decline to the bottom where the sun was awaiting us.

This view reminded us of home( minus the mountainous background).  The farm land and flat area was a nice treat for us.

Yes there is!

Did you really expect anything less for our princess?

Beautiful churches and museum plaster the downtown streets of Guadalajara.

Over 1,000 vendors fill this block.  Anything you want, they got it.

After the market we headed back out into the streets for a bite to eat.

Guadalajara has a celebration the whole month of October.  It makes it easy to find entrainment on many of the streets.

The only piece of grass we could find within a 5 mile radius for Harley to do her business, existed in the main square, aka Central Park.  Lucky for us it was just one block from our hotel.  Harley did not blend in as she was the only dog in the park.  Privacy was in short supply for her.

                                    One can get distracted by the simple pass time of people watching.              

            Talequepegue- is a quaint but vibrant area of Guadalajara.  Art, crafts and good restaurants   are sure to be found in this area of town.

               No need for conversation in this restaurant- the decor alone will keep one entertained.

A drive -through Cerveza Store.  No joke! 

Yes, it's another John Deer

The main street of Mascota

The Grand Canyon of Jalisco