El Eden, where the natural landscape takes your breath away, where streams prosper with fresh water and where Predator is hiding, patiently waiting to strike.
Our friend JD is living proof of Predator’s attack. One minute he is digitally capturing the stunning surroundings and the next minute he has blood trickling down the bridge of his nose. That’s how fast it can happen. It was a real Arnold vs Predator experience. Unfortunately, JD was lacking Arnold's expertise.
After our brief clash with Predator we spent the rest of the day hiking and swimming, Tarzan style. I fully enjoyed the role of Jane. I might not have long beautiful wind blown hair, a leather bandeau top or a size 2 waist. I did, however, have some leg hair that got away on me, which has got to count for something. And, I sported a lululemon bikini, a much more modern version of the loin cloth. Which, if Jane had the option, she would choose luluemon too!
Unlike Jane, I was very content to have my Tarzan away from me while swinging from vines. As my Tarzan is not so much the dashing hero as opposed to the let’s see how hard I can push you off the cliff before you jump in hero. But I guess Jane didn’t have everything either. Tarzan’s personal hygiene may have been his downfall. Our Tarzans do share one commonality, they both are a little uncivilized.
We ended our day with a short drive to our next location, Chico’s Paradise. The title itself does not do justice to this pristine piece of mother earth. It completely swallows you up in it’s depth of serenity and magnificence. Satisfaction and harmony is all one can feel on the drive home.
El Eden |
My Tarzan, so strong. |
El Eden and the Official site where the movie Predator was shot. |
Predator's mark |
Tarzan and Jane |
Welcome to the Jungle! from
Mathew Fiedelleck on
Video has footage from our underwater scuba mask camera. Yes, you are reading that right. We own a scuba mask with a built in camera and video camera. Pretty cool!
Chico's Paradise |