Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Self and the City

Here's the deal, I am very behind on my blogging!  I am trying to make up some ground here.  Here's the rest of the story, once a procrastinator always a procrastinator.  One would think the more time you have the more you can get done.  Oh how wrong I am again!

Time, is an abstract reality that we really feel here: meaning, we have lots of it.  With all the normal pressures of work and daily tasks taken off our shoulders this equation formulates extra hours of leisure time.

What I have discovered is that leisure time is not productive time.  Extra hours on hand only makes one more accustomed to the simply life of selfish indulgences.  Not that I have relinquished my OCD and ADD behaviors which I had become so accustomed to at home. Rather, I have just rejuvenated them.  For example, I no longer have to go around leaving cupboard doors wide open in my house.  Instead its all about tracking my footprints on the beach when I am on an in and out route with Harley(The tide is winning this one).  What I am getting at here, is that besides penciling in your own idiosyncrasies, the rest of the day is yours for the taking.

This year's patterns of behavior has proven to support my thesis statement, "I Get More Accomplished When My Plate is Over-Flowing."   Hence the hours of blogging I will do, when I return back home and have responsibilities , work and deadlines pounding down my door.

Maybe if I spent less time justifying my procrastination skills,  I would have more time eliminating these tasks that I now deem as work. See there's that word again "time".

OK then, it's decided,  I will punch one out tonight to alleviate my writers block in September.


I love these next set of photos because they capture what I see everyday.  Harley has this bond with Mat that is so instinctual.  She mimics his every move.  It's like a reflex.  These next shots are not posed, I just happen to always be the one with the camera who is closing up trail, which means I can snap away and capture these moments of affection.

From looks of what to do next, to quick steps across a crickety bridge, she duplicates every move he makes.

Playing in Paradise

Harley looking for a stick to dive for.  I guess an addict never fully recovers.  

This natural spring and rock waterslide(on the top) provides many a hour of entertainment for the locals.  

Another Great Adventure!  

Hmm, what will we sink our teeth into next?

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ahhhh, Life is Good.....

What do you do when you are on the edge of humidity with the hot season of summer fast on your tail in Mexico?

You move to a place with a pool.  Thanks goodness we have connections!  This place just may be our saving grace and at the very least is our Heaven on Earth.  From flooding to parasite invasions, I think we can safely say our worries are behind us.  We will put up our feet and relax as we take in the last months of out time here.

Breakfast and Supper will never be the same for us again.  Let me suggest a perfect way to start your day.
Oatmeal paired with a sunrise is a delicious treat.  

And for supper, do not forgot to serve a sunset with your steak entrĂ©e. 
The sunset happens so quickly.  If you do not have your camera ready to shoot you will  miss it.  Maybe next time we can get one.

Ahhh Glenda!  The pretty little lady who's condo we are living in.  Glenda sure knows how to make a place feel like home .

One of our views from the balcony, which over looks the city and beach.  

Thursday, May 5, 2011


As a rule, all heroism is due to a lack of reflection, and thus it is necessary to maintain a mass of imbeciles. If they once understand themselves the ruling men will be lost. 
Ernest Rean

If there is one thing I have learned in my years of eduction and experience, reflection is the key to continued growth and endless opportunity.  Falling hopelessly in love with a carefree dreamer holds me to this practice; repetitiously reflecting on the situation and adjusting appropriately.

Like a young boy eager to explore and discover the world around him, Mat has the same ability to keep our head in the clouds with a haze of optimism and euphoria.  He abandons all thoughts of vanity, fear, and boundaries. His thirst for never ending possibilities is a trait which is to be cherished.

I on the other hand keep us grounded.   One without the other does not exist.

 By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.  

He is still my hero.